Writing STDCI secrets file

STDCI uses XDG Base Directory Specifications standard in order to search for the secrets file. The standard defines where different files should be looked for. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is the place to search for user specific configuration files. On most systems, this variable is unset by default. For this case, the standard defines that if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.config should be used.

STDCI searches for a file named ci_secrets_file.yaml under XDG_CONFIG_HOME. If XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not defined, will look for a file with the same name under $HOME/.config.

ci_secrets_file.yaml is a YAML config from the following form:

- name: # Secret name
  project: # Optional. Used to filter secrets by project's name
  branch: # Optional. Used to filter secrets by project's branch name
  # Regex is supported for both project and branch
  # If not specified, the secret will be available for all projects/branches
    # In this section, we write a key-value pairs of secret data name and
    # it's value. It is used to bind several values for one secret.
    # For example, username and password.


  project: my_project
  branch: master
    username: USERNAME_X
    password: PASSWORD_X

- name: MY_SSH_KEY
  project: oVirt-.*
    key: |

Note that SERVICE_X_CREDENTIALS will be available to "my_project" only and only for "master" branch. MY_SSH_KEY will be available for all projects that their name starts with "oVirt-".